Terms and Conditions

Terms & Conditions

The Information contained in this website and in any related material (“Information”) is presented for illustrative and educational purposes only. It is not presented nor should it be treated as real estate advice, legal advice, investment advice, or tax advice. We advise all parties to do their own research and obtain independent financial, legal and professional tax advice before making any investment and business decisions.

Your personal individual financial circumstances must be taken into account before you make any investment or purchasing decision. Mission10K, its shareholders, directors, office holders, presenters, promoters, contractors, and employees do not guarantee your past, present or future investment results, whether based on this Information or otherwise.

The Information supplied is always subject to alteration without notice. Mission10K, its shareholders, directors, office holders, presenters, promoters, contractors, and employees may hold shares and/or obtain fees and/or other benefits from the companies presented and promoted on this website and/or in the Information.

To the extent permitted by law, Mission10K gives no warranty and makes no representation as to the accuracy of any description, illustration, photograph, any project renders, or statement relating any of the content on this website and/or the Information, and accepts no liability for any loss which may be suffered by any person who relies either wholly or in part upon the Information presented.

Mission10K disclaims all liability for all decisions made based on the Information presented. The site plans, photos and renderings which are contained on this website and/or the Information are illustrative and conceptual only and are always subject to change without notice and cannot be relied on. All parties must only rely upon the contents of any legal agreements, formal disclosure statements and their own research and enquiries in relation to any property to be acquired and/or contracts entered into.


This material (and all website content displayed herein) does not constitute an offer or a solicitation to purchase securities. An offer can only be made by a Private Placement Memorandum (PPM). This document (and all website content displayed herein) is an informational summary of the prospective investment opportunity only. A PPM and its exhibits contain complete information about the Property and the investment opportunity. This has been prepared to summarize such information for prospective investors in the Company. The information contained herein is not a substitute for an investor’s complete review of all of the information attached to a PPM as part of their own due diligence regarding this investment opportunity and its suitability for their investment portfolio.